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                采用高智能电子温度控制器具有多种报警保护功能压缩机延时啓动保护器过载保諓器温度控制开关等安全装置确保机组安全运行。 壓縮機采用榖輪松下三洋大金等知名品牌壓缩...
                • 详细介绍

                冷冻配件全部选用全球知名品牌 EMERSON(美国ㄨ艾默生) DANFOSS(丹麦丹佛斯)等,制冷/制热的需求通过智能四通换向阀经过毛细◥管节流满足,高质高效性能强劲安全环保。
                Adopting high intelligent electronic temperature controller, with a variety of alarm protection functions, compressor delay start protector, overload protector, temperature control switch and other safety devices to ensure the safe operation of the unit.
                Compressor using grain wheel, Panasonic, Sanyo, Dajin and other well-known brands of compressors, with smooth and reliable operation, good refrigeration effect, high efficiency, low failure, low energy consumption, low vibration and noise, easy maintenance and other advantages.
                Titanium gun tube evaporator is made of titanium metal tube with high heat transfer coefficient and PVC tube. It enhances heat transfer capability, has large heat dissipation and is covered with insulation cotton outside the evaporator to prevent heat loss.
                The condenser is made of high-efficiency copper tube with thread on the surface, smooth sleeve on the outer surface of aluminum warping plate, high-quality copper tube and high-quality aluminum foil by high-precision processing equipment.The single-loop and multi-loop design and manufacture of the coil heat exchanger area is larger than the general standard design, so that the surface wind speed is uniform and the heat transfer is stable. It is easy to clean and maintain.
                The aluminum-magnesium alloy fan has long service life, large air volume, low noise and greatly improves the heat efficiency ratio.
                All the refrigeration accessories are selected from the worid's deadly brand EMERSON (Emerson) DANFOSS(Denver)and so on. The demand of refrigeration heating is met by the intelligent four- way reversing valve throttled by capillary, high quality, high efficiency. strong safety and environmental protection.



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