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                • 详细介绍

                使用寿命长:蒸发器、冷凝器设计非常合理,并且置于压缩机上方,在整个运行过程中▓,绝大部分润滑油始终停留在压缩机内,保证压缩机的良Ψ 好润滑。
                Performance and stability: the use of multiple parallel compressors, each compressor comes with a separate cooling circuit that is the evaporator and condenser are completely independent; all compressor microcomputer control system by the unified command, to open one by one, off each other will not interfere with each other between, plus the original authentic brand of machine used in all production stand-alone failure rate is very low, the above reasons,we can ensure that the machine has a series of highly stable performance, long years of continuous operation in case the first choice, without having to repurchase another spare machine.
                Energy saving: The number of small and medium power compressors used in parallel, open, shut down the grid when the minimum interference with the load changes, the unit will automatically determine the amount of power to ensure the open state of the compressor work in the most short-tailed bird effectively save energy.
                Long life: evaporator, condenser design is very reasonable, and placed in the top of the compressor, the entire run, the vast majority of oil within the compressor has stopped faint, to ensure good lubrication of the compressor. 
                These models can be custom-made senes of ultra-low temperature(as low as minus 40 degrees).



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