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                展望未来,我们充满信心,真诚希望能@ 与各行各界朋友携手合作,共同发展!

                Dongguan Xingwei Precision Machinery Equipment Co, Ltd is a modem high-tech enterprise focusing on the production of industrial refrigeration equipment, industrial temperature control equipment and plastic machinery peripheral equipment Set more than 10 years of research and development production, sales, service experience, continuous improvement and improve the quality of products, adhering to the concept of Taiwan, Japan, Europe's technology, set in one modem management, so that the production process operation in an orderly manner, in order to meet customer needs, while investing a large amount of money, constantly strengthen the training of personnel and students Improvement of production technology, with advanced technical quality and rigorous control system to achieve professional image, has laid a foundation for Xingyi first-class products widely used and services in injection molding, light guide plate, connecting machines, DVD discs, magnesium and aluminum alloy die casting, CNC processing, grinding machine, high-speed punch, deep hole drilling, large-scale imported verticathorizontal processing Oil temperature cooling of core and other oil pressure systems Chemical, electroplating, printing and dyeing, roller heating, reaction kettle, rubber, hardware, plastics, electronics, food, textile, packaging, medicine and other industries. Strive to create the most powerful domestic industrial refrigeration equipment,industrial temperature control equipment and plastic machinery peripheral equipment manufacturers.

                Xingwei Machinery takes science and technology as its new, people-orented, positive, solidarity and mutual assistance, courage to open up, Xingwei Machinery will provide you with superb technology first-class service, first-class quality. We are in line with the " integrity-based, customer first, the pursuit of excellence, harmony and win-win" business philosophy,never satisfied,excellence.Manufacture of"Xingwei"series products with customer satisfaction.

                Looking forward to the future, we are full of confidence, sincerely hope to cooperate with friends from all walks of life, common development!

                Copyright ? 2010-2018 东莞市兴为精密机械设备有限公司 版权所有